Sliced Strawberries, Banana, and Blackberries

Wave bye-bye to sniffles and coughs – the plant compound quercetin may help prevent and treat coronaviruses like COVID-19.

💡 Introduction

With COVID-19 still spreading, scientists are looking into natural solutions. Quercetin – found in apples, onions, and tea – shows real promise! Let’s unpack the science.

📋 Key Findings

  • Quercetin stops coronaviruses from entering your cells.
  • It blocks enzymes the virus needs to replicate.
  • It reduces harmful inflammation that makes COVID-19 deadly.

🧬 How It Works

Quercetin fights coronaviruses in 3 key ways:

  1. It stops the virus from entering your cells.
  2. It blocks viral enzymes needed for replication.
  3. It reduces inflammation and oxidative damage.

Here’s an illustrated explanation:

By interfering with viral entry, replication, and inflammation – quercetin acts as a triple threat defender!

💊 Usage & Benefits

Daily quercetin supplements may reduce coronavirus susceptibility. It could also be an add-on treatment for COVID-19 patients. More research is still needed, but findings so far are promising. Quercetin provides a natural prevention option beyond vaccines.

🚨 Limitations

  • Optimal dosing isn’t yet established.
  • Quercetin has low bioavailability, so enhanced delivery methods may work better.
  • More studies confirming effectiveness against COVID-19 specifically are needed.

🏥 Real-World Usage

Some hospitals now use quercetin as an adjuvant for COVID-19 patients. Supplement brands also recommend it to support immune health.

✅ How to Take Quercetin

  1. Talk to your doctor first.
  2. Eat quercetin-rich fruits & veggies.
  3. Consider 500-1000mg supplements daily. Adding vitamin C may help absorption.
  4. Monitor and adjust dosage as needed. Pairing with other flavonoids could boost effects.

📝 Study Details

  • Type: Review of scientific literature
  • Title: “Quercetin in the Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus Infections”
  • Link:
  • Published in Pharmaceuticals journal
  • Led by researchers worldwide (Amin Gasmi, Pavan Kumar Mujawdiya, Roman Lysiuk, et al.)

❓ FAQs

🤔 How exactly does quercetin block coronaviruses?

It stops spike proteins on the virus from binding to ACE2 receptors on your cells. This shuts the door on the virus! Quercetin also blocks enzymes inside the virus that allow it to replicate after cell entry.

🧐 Could this just be observational data?

The review analyzed results from multiple lab studies showing quercetin’s antiviral effects on SARS-CoV-1. Though more clinical trials are needed, existing science indicates strong potential against the very similar SARS-CoV-2 as well.

🍎 What’s the best source of quercetin?

Eating quercetin-rich fruits and veggies regularly helps increase intake. Over-the-counter supplements with 500-1000mg quercetin are also available. Combining with vitamin C may improve absorption. But check with your doctor before supplementing.

🔎 How does quercetin reduce inflammation?

It inhibits inflammatory immune pathways and molecules. It also increases natural antioxidant enzymes and mitochondria antiviral signaling. This calms the “cytokine storm” and lung damage in severe COVID-19.

⚠️ Any risks with quercetin?

Quercetin is considered safe by the FDA. Side effects are rare but may include headaches or tingling. Those with kidney issues should be cautious. Check for interactions with any medications you take before supplementing.

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