A new clinical trial shows taking an oral supplement called NMN could extend your healthy years by over 9 years on average. 🤯


The diagram illustrates how NMN supplementation increases NAD, which leads to downstream benefits that slow aging.

Here are the key findings from the 2023 study on NMN:

NMN DoseIncrease in Blood NADIncrease in 6-Minute Walk Distance
300 mg/day150%15%
600 mg/day470%50%
900 mg/day360%48%

The table summarizes how higher doses of NMN led to greater increases in NAD levels and walking endurance.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a natural compound already present in small amounts in some foods. Research in animals has shown it can boost levels of a vital molecule called NAD that declines as we age. 📉

The new study tested the effects of taking NMN supplements in 80 healthy middle-aged adults. Here’s what they discovered:

  1. ✅ Taking 300-900 mg of NMN daily for 60 days significantly increased NAD levels in the blood compared to placebo. The higher the dose, the more NAD increased. 💉
  2. ✅ NMN doses of 600-900 mg per day improved performance on a 6-minute walking test. People walked up to 185 meters farther, showing increased endurance. 🏃‍♀️
  3. ✅ Blood biological age increased by 5.6 years in the placebo group over 60 days but stayed the same in the NMN groups. NMN appeared to slow aging effects. 👵
  4. ✅ Overall health scores on a quality of life questionnaire improved significantly more with 600-900 mg/day of NMN compared to placebo. 🙌

Here is a simple 6-step plan to boost your NAD and potentially turn back your biological clock with NMN

Step 1: Talk to your doctor 👩‍⚕️

  • Make sure NMN is safe for you to try based on your medical history and any medications you take.

Step 2: Purchase an NMN supplement 💊

  • Look for a reputable brand with NMN doses of 600-900 mg per capsule or tablet.

Step 3: Take 1 dose daily

  • Take your NMN supplement once a day with water before breakfast.

Step 4: Exercise regularly 🏋️‍♀️

  • Combining NMN with exercise may enhance benefits. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity per week.

Step 5: Eat a healthy diet 🥗

  • Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to support overall wellness.

Step 6: Track changes in health 📝

  • Note any improvements in energy, endurance, mental sharpness, or other aging metrics every few months.

Small daily steps could lead to a big impact in extending your healthspan well into older age! Give this anti-aging plan a try after discussing with your physician. 👍

How NMN May Work to Slow Aging

NMN is converted into NAD in the body. NAD plays crucial roles in:

  • Energy production 💪
  • Cell repair 🔧
  • Activation of sirtuins and other anti-aging proteins ⏳

By restoring declining NAD, NMN supplementation may recharge these critical processes.

However, larger and longer studies are still needed to fully confirm anti-aging benefits in humans.

Limitations of the Research

  • Relatively small sample size of 80 people
  • Limited to healthy middle-aged adults
  • Only 60 days duration

Real-World Examples

The University of Washington and Brigham Young University have research programs trialing NMN for anti-aging effects. Some companies like Thorne and Alive By Science already sell NMN supplements marketed for longevity.

Study Details

This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial led by Lin Yi et al. and published in Geroscience in 2023.

Read the full research paper here.

Yi, L., Maier, A.B., Tao, R. et al. The efficacy and safety of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation in healthy middle-aged adults: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-dependent clinical trial. GeroScience 45, 29–43 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11357-022-00705-1

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