19% Average Increase in Hair Thickness Reported ⬆️

Hair loss affects millions of people, often causing low self-esteem. Current treatments like minoxidil have side effects. A new study tested a natural herbal spray for treating androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness.

Recommendation: Try Zimmer Herbal Spray 💦

The Zimmer herbal spray significantly increased hair density and thickness in one patient. On average, hair diameter increased by 12-19 microns after 3 months of use.

What’s in the Spray?

The Zimmer spray contains extracts from Chinese herbs including:

Eclipta alba

  • Also called false daisy
  • Contains compounds that block 5-alpha reductase
  • This enzyme contributes to balding by converting testosterone to DHT

Polygonum multiflorum

  • Also called fo-ti or Chinese knotweed
  • Helps hair follicles stay in growing phase longer
  • Counters effects of DHT, a hormone linked to hair loss

Ligustri lucidi

  • Berries from this Chinese privet shrub
  • Provide nourishing and antioxidant effects

Polygonatum sibiricum

  • From the lily family
  • Also has antioxidant properties

In summary, eclipta targets an enzyme tied to balding, while polygonum supports hair follicle health. The other herbs offer additional beneficial effects.

Key Findings 📝

  • 41 year old man used the spray for 3 months
  • Hair density improved, especially on top of head
  • Hair width increased:
    • 19 micrometers on front of scalp
    • 12 micrometers on crown (vertex)
  • Fine hairs (vellus) decreased:
    • From 79% to 61% on right side
    • From 86% to 50% on left side

Why It Works 🤔

The spray contains traditional Chinese medicine extracts like eclipta alba, known to block the enzyme 5-alpha reductase involved in balding. This may explain its effectiveness.

Limitations 🚧

This was a single case study. More research is needed to confirm results in larger groups. Effects likely depend on health status and genetics.

Examples 💡

Some shampoos already use the Zimmer herbal extracts with good consumer feedback. The new spray format may improve delivery to the scalp.

How To Use It ⚗️

Follow these steps to try the Zimmer herbal spray:

  1. Apply 3-4 ml to clean, wet hair after showering. Focus on thinning areas.
  2. Use daily or every other day for at least 3 months.
  3. Take photos monthly to track progress. 📸
  4. See a dermatologist if hair keeps thinning to rule out other causes. 👩‍⚕️

Study Details 📄

This was a case report published in Medicine in 2023. The patient used the spray for 3 months. Hair growth was analyzed using trichoscopy.

Read the full study here

Researchers: Qian et al, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University

FAQs ❓

Is it safe? The patient reported no side effects. safety still needs more research. Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Does insurance cover it? The spray is not yet FDA-approved so insurance likely won’t cover it. It may be available as a dietary supplement.

What is trichoscopy? A trichoscope is a specialized magnifying device that allows doctors to examine hair and scalp. It provides better visualization than the naked eye. 👁️

What is androgenetic alopecia? This is the medical name for male or female pattern baldness caused by hormones and genetics. Hair follicles shrink over time. 🧬

Key Terms 📖

  • Vellus hair: Fine, short hairs that replace terminal hairs in balding areas.
  • Terminal hair: Thick, pigmented hairs on the scalp, beard, pubic area.
  • Hair follicles: Cavities in the skin that enclose the hair root. They control hair growth cycles.
  • Miniaturization: Shrinking of hair follicles, producing thinner hair over time.
  • Trichoscopy: Imaging technique to examine hair and scalp at high magnification.

Qian, Y., Zhu, L., Wu, L., Chen, J., Ding, B., Li, Y., & Cao, Y. (2023). Favorable effect of herbal extract on androgenic alopecia: A case report. Medicine102(39), e34524. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000034524

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