💥Could stop up to half of cases

Lots of screen time might make symptoms worse in kids with high risk genes. Limiting screen time could prevent autism and ADHD in over 50% of these high risk kids!

🌟 Intro

Screens are everywhere now. Parents wonder if too much screen time could lead to autism or ADHD. A new study looked at links between genes, screen time, and these disorders.

🧩 Key Words

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders – Conditions like autism and ADHD that affect brain growth
  • Screen time – Time spent on phones, tablets, computers, TV
  • Genetic risk – Likelihood of a disorder based on genes

📈 Recommendation

Limit screen time to under 1 hour a day for young kids with high genetic risks.

🎓 Findings

  • Kids’ screen time was either steady low or steady high.
  • Autism risks connected to over 2 hours of screen time daily.
  • ADHD risks tied to increasing screen time over time.
  • Cutting screen time could prevent over 50% of cases in high risk kids!

🧠 Why It Matters

  • Brains develop quickly early on. Less screen time allows more healthy growth.
  • High screen time could make social problems worse in kids vulnerable to autism.
  • ADHD genes likely increase risk of being addicted to screen time.

✋ Limits

  • Small, only Japanese kids studied.
  • Screen time reported by parents may be wrong.
  • Did not look at types of screens used.

🌍 Examples

  • Groups like Children and Screens offer tips to limit screen time.
  • Studies like INSIGHTS cut screen time and changed behaviors.

⚡ Steps to Cut Screen Time

  1. Set a daily limit of under 1 hour.
  2. Find fun activities without screens.
  3. Use apps and controls to block access.
  4. Praise good behaviors without screens.

Behind the Research

🔬 Type of Study – Longitudinal cohort

The researchers tracked a group of children over several years.

They monitored the kids’ screen time at different ages and tested their genetic risks for disorders.

This allowed the researchers to see if higher genetic risk was linked to more screen time as the kids grew up.

🔗 Original paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165178123003451

👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 Authors:

  • Nagahide Takahashi
  • Kenji J. Tsuchiya
  • Akemi Okumura
  • Taeko Harada
  • Toshiki Iwabuchi
  • Md Shafiur Rahman
  • Hitoshi Kuwabara
  • Yoko Nomura
  • Tomoko Nishimura

❓ FAQs

Q: How can screen time change brains?

A: Too much screen time may disrupt healthy social skill growth in developing brains.

Q: Could my kid’s autism be from screen time?

A: The study found screen time doesn’t cause autism, but limiting it could improve symptoms.

Q: My kid won’t stop screens without a meltdown! What do I do?

A: Start limits slowly. Redirect to fun activities. Be consistent. Ask your pediatrician for help if needed.

📚 References

Takahashi, N., Tsuchiya, K. J., Okumura, A., Harada, T., Iwabuchi, T., Rahman, M. S., Kuwabara, H., Nomura, Y., & Nishimura, T. (2023). The association between screen time and genetic risks for neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Psychiatry Research, 327, 115395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115395

Kushima, M., Kojima, R., Shinohara, R., Horiuchi, S., Otawa, S., Ooka, T., Akiyama, Y., Miyake, K., Yokomichi, H., Yamagata, Z., Japan, E., Children’s Study, G. (2022). Association between screen time exposure in children at 1 year of age and autism spectrum disorder at 3 years of age: the Japan environment and children’s study. JAMA Pediatr. 176(4), 384–391.

Lissak, G. (2018). Adverse physiological and psychological effects of screen time on children and adolescents: literature review and case study. Environ. Res. 164, 149–157.

🌟 Final Note

Screen time is way up for all kids. Monitoring and limiting it is key, especially for kids with high risks for disorders like autism or ADHD. What tips do you have for cutting down on screen time? Share in the comments!

🔍 Study Summary

Key FindingImplication
Autism risks linked to 2+ hrs/day screen timeCutting screen time may reduce autism severity
ADHD risks tied to increased screen time over timeSteady low screen time could prevent ADHD onset

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