HealthWaggle is an independent, subscriber-supported platform, dedicated to bringing you the latest scientific health insights. We’re on a mission to make complex health research accessible and actionable for everyone.

Every week, we dissect the latest scientific research papers, presenting you with concise, evidence-backed health insights. We aim to bridge the gap between dense scientific jargon and everyday understanding.

📈 What do we offer?

  • A weekly 3-min health insight, derived from recent scientific research.
  • A clear breakdown of the study’s findings, its implications, and actionable steps.
  • A transparent look at the research’s limitations and the science behind it.
  • Direct links to the original research papers for those who wish to delve deeper.

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Why trust HealthWaggle?

In today’s age of misinformation, it’s natural to be skeptical. But at HealthWaggle, we earn trust the old-fashioned way: by being transparent and evidence-driven. We don’t just present findings; we show you the science behind them. Our insights are derived from peer-reviewed scientific research, ensuring you get information you can rely on.

How do we do it?

Our unique approach involves sifting through thousands of scientific papers, selecting the most impactful ones, and translating them into easy-to-understand insights. We believe in the power of evidence-based knowledge and strive to make it accessible to all.

Why ‘Waggle’? 

The concept of ‘Waggle’ is inspired by the communicative dance of bees, symbolizing our commitment to guiding you efficiently towards financial knowledge and success. It represents our unique approach to navigating the complexities of finance and careers, providing you with a clear and focused path to prosperity.

Meet the Team

Hello! I’m Ludovic Louisdhon, the founder of HealthWaggle. With a background in business management, technology, and over 10 years of experience building digital products, I’ve always been passionate about making scientific knowledge accessible. I’m joined by a dedicated team of researchers, writers, and health enthusiasts, all committed to bringing you the best in health insights.

What Our Subscribers Say

  • “It’s like having a health guru in my inbox. Every. Single. Day.” – Anonymous Subscriber
  • “HealthWaggle is my daily dose of health sanity. A newsletter that doesn’t just inform but transforms.” – Anonymous Subscriber

Industry Recognition
We’re committed to achieving recognition in the health community for our innovative approaches.

Stay Connected
Join our community and stay updated with the latest in evidence-based health insights at Dive into the world of health science, made simple.

Contact & Address
P.O. BOX 110123, New York, NY