MRI Images of the Brain

Research from autistic brains suggests high aluminum levels could contribute to the disorder.

A 2018 study made an important discovery: very high aluminum levels were found in autistic brains, the brains of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) condition.

Aluminum exposure has been questioned before as having a link to ASD, especially from vaccine substances. But firm evidence has been lacking until now. This study is the first to show higher aluminum content in ASD brains. However, it does not prove aluminum causes ASD.

🎓 Key Findings:

  • Aluminum levels in brain tissue were consistently higher in all 5 donors with ASD, compared to typical levels.
  • The average aluminum level was 3.82 μg/g in the occipital lobe specifically.
  • The highest reading was a staggering 22.11 μg/g in the occipital lobe of a 15-year-old boy with ASD.
  • In the brain, aluminum deposits were mostly found in immune cells and inflammatory cells, not neuron cells.

🧠 Why It Matters:

Aluminum is considered toxic to the brain. The researchers propose that such high aluminum building up in the brain could lead to problems with brain development. Previous animal studies support this idea, but human research is limited.

📊 Implications:

This study identifies aluminum exposure as a possible contributing factor in the start or worsening of ASD. However, someone’s individual susceptibility likely plays a big role too. Looking at sibling pairs could help explain more. More research is still needed to understand aluminum’s role.

✋ Limitations:

  • Small sample size of only 5 donors makes findings apply less widely.
  • No control group without ASD for comparison
  • Doesn’t clarify sources of aluminum exposure
  • As a postmortem study, it can only show links, not cause.

🏢 Real-world Examples:

Some health practitioners help patients reduce aluminum exposure through dietary changes or detox protocols. Vaccine critics advocate for reduced exposure for pregnant women/infants.

⚡ Steps to Implement:

  • Choose low aluminum cookware and natural deodorants.
  • Avoid antacid use and certain epilepsy drugs with aluminum.
  • Consider biodynamic farming to reduce aluminum in food.
  • Discuss vaccine schedule with your doctor, especially for high-risk infants.

🔍 Study Details:

Study Type: Postmortem brain analysis; Analysis of frozen and fixed brain tissue samples

Title: Aluminium in brain tissue in autism. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.

Link to Research Paper: Aluminium in brain tissue in autism – PubMed (

🏫 Researchers:

Exley C, Mold M, Umar D, King A. (Keele University, UK)

The strikingly high aluminum levels found in autism brain tissue raise concerns about its role in neurodevelopmental disorders. While more research is still needed, it is advisable to minimize aluminum exposure, especially in young children. Share your thoughts and experiences with aluminum exposure in the comments!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is aluminum actually causing autism here or just correlating with it?

A: This study alone doesn’t prove causation. But the extraordinarily high aluminum levels specifically in autistic brains suggest aluminum could be contributing to neurological abnormalities. More research controlling for confounding factors is still needed.

Q: How did the aluminum get into the autistic brains?

A: The aluminum deposits in inflammatory immune cells point to aluminum crossing the blood-brain barrier within those cells as one potential route. Additional sources remain to be clarified.

Q: How can I reduce aluminum exposure for myself or my child?

A: Dietary sources like cooking utensils, antacids, and processed foods can be minimized. Deodorant without aluminum is widely available. Discuss your child’s vaccine schedule with your pediatrician, especially if there are risk factors for autism. Chelation therapy is controversial but may help remove heavy metals.

Q: Does this absolutely confirm vaccines can cause autism?

A: No. More research is required to pin down aluminum exposure from vaccines vs other environmental sources. This provides evidence linking aluminum and autism but does not isolate vaccines as the cause.

Q: Is autism curable if you reduce aluminum exposure?

A: There is no cure yet but minimizing further aluminum exposure may halt progression. Combining this with early behavioral interventions provides the best chance of improving autistic symptoms.

Mold, M., Umar, D., King, A., & Exley, C. (2018). Aluminium in brain tissue in autism. Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS)46, 76–82.

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